Actor Ji Chang Wook through the recently ended MBC Monday Tuesday drama "Empress Ki" proved his potential as an actor. In the recently ended MBC Monday Tuesday drama "Empress Ki," which aired its final episode on April 29, 2014, actor Ji Chang Wook played the emperor Ta Hwan. The "Empress Ki" fans and TV drama audiences are complementing Ji Chang Wook and his acting skills. Actor Ji Chang Wook matured his acting skills through the drama "Empress Ki," from a childlike and weak emperor of the Yoo Nation to the charismatic emperor of the Won nation. In related news, starting next week, on April 5, 2014, the new MBC Monday Tuesday drama "The Triangle" will air. The drama "The Triangle" tells a story of the three brothers who were separated during their childhood and accidentally meet again as adults, without knowing that they are blood related brothers.
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