Best Paid Android Tablet Apps Include Adobe Photoshop Touch, Instapaper, PicSay Pro - Photo Editor and More; Get Them Starting From $2.99

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Number of best paid Android Tablet Apps of 2014 is compiled by tech blog AndroidApps. The list includes Adobe Photoshop Touch, Instapaper, PicSay Pro - Photo Editor and more. They are great for getting the most out of your Android tablet; however, these programs require a little extra investment. As Phil Hornshaw said, "they're worth having."

Following are some of the Top Android Apps and their corresponding prices which users can choose from:

Adobe Photoshop Touch ($9.99)

Adobe Photoshop TouchAdobe's mobile version of its Photoshop software is great for the larger screens of tablets. Users can easily edit images like editing in the desktop software using paint brushes, line and lasso selection tools, and other elements from Photoshop. The app supports other useful features like layers that enable users to change and add elements.

Instapaper ($2.99)

InstapaperEver allows users to save articles to be read later on mobile devices. The app reformats articles to look great and are easy to read on devices, and supports saving up to 500 items that can be read offline.

PicSay Pro - Photo Editor ($3.99)

PicSay Pro - Photo EditorCreate and share fun images using user's own photos with PicSay Pro. The app can be used to add things like stickers, word balloons and text to photos. This is an easy, simple photo editor that lets users crop, adjust brightness and contrast and create color accents.

Netflix (free with subscription)

NetflixYou get full access to Netflix's online database of streaming movies and TV shows with its app. Streaming content over Wi-Fi or cellular data connection, and Netflix tunes its recommendations of what to watch based on viewing habits. The app also supports multiple profiles, for sharing subscription among multiple devices and users.

Titanium Backup Pro ($5.99)

Titanium Backup ProAs the name suggest, Titanium Backup Pro lets users who have "rooted" their Android tablets back up just about anything. This app lets the user back up device's contacts lists and apps, even while those apps are running. This apps lets users backup and then uninstall apps quickly and easily. It allows users to sync backup files to cloud services like Dropbox and Google Drive.

Documents To Go Premium ($14.99)

Documents To Go PremiumTurn Android tablet into a fully functional work device with Documents To Go. It brings a full suite of office software that allows users to create and edit word processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations and PDFs. The app also syncs with services such as Dropbox and Box, so users can save documents to the cloud and access them anywhere.

Pocket Casts ($3.99)

Pocket CastsAccess and manage tons of podcasts with Pocket Casts. Users can easily add podcast subscriptions and get the latest episodes through automatic downloads with the app, and the app features handy elements like a sleep timer and the ability to skip around within podcasts to find the right spot to listen.

SwiftKey Keyboard ($3.99)

SwiftKey KeyboardGrab an alternative to the stock Android keyboard with SwiftKey Keyboard, which can make it a whole lot easier to type on your tablet. The app brings the ability to switch between standard and thumb-layout keyboards, and also includes a high-quality auto-correct to users that helps increase typing speed by predicting what the user is trying to say with a high degree of accuracy.

Tasker ($2.99)

TaskerTasker gives users the ability to program their Android devices to automate lots of different functions. Users can program their device to do things like automatically send messages at certain times of day or when going to certain places, and Tasker features support for more than 200 different actions. Tasker can be used to create user's own apps that they can even sell on the Google Play Store.

Moon+ Reader Pro ($4.99)

Moon+ Reader ProMoon+ is an e-reader app that supports tons of different formats and makes it possible to read just about anything in digital form on an Android tablet, including ebooks in various formats, PDFs and HTML files. Users also get an easy to use to navigate with a lot of extra useful features, such as the ability to use voice commands, customizable controls, and the ability to share bookmarks, notes and annotations between the users and other readers.

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