Robin Williams Net Worth $130 Million: Napa Valley Estate Plan Was A Secret, Trust Divided Among 3 Kids, Financial Reps Say Robin Financially Savvy Despite ‘Struggle With Demons’


Robin Williams Net Worth $130 Million: Napa Valley Estate Plan Was A Secret, Trust Divided Among 3 Kids, Financial Reps Say Robin Financially Savvy Despite 'Struggle With Demons':  According got a press release, genius, comedian and acclaimed actor Robin Williams who struggled with what appears to have been manic depression throughout his life. However documents reveal he had a stable plan to put his estate planning in order before he committed suicide.

Williams was unique in that unlike other actors he was open about his bout with depression and his battle with substance abuse. Despite the anxiety and feelings of shyness brought on by shame, Robins worked hard and enjoyed the spotlight as a standup and actor.  His 'Mork and Mindy' character was especially vibrant and appealed to both children and adults.

Rocco Beatrice, Managing Director of Estate Street Partners, LLC was quoted as saying that unlike the film industry where Robins was all over the place and unfocused, his estate planning was secretive and well planned, just as it should be: "We actually don't know too much about how the estate of Robin Williams will be handled," adding "this is actually the way it is supposed to work. Wills are made public, trusts are kept private. Williams may have loved the spotlight as a performer, but he seems to have cherished privacy as well."

Forbes magazine reports that the two biggest assets that Williams held at the time of his passing were properties in California - the first in Napa Valley, Villa Sorriso, and another in Tiburon.

Other investment agencies say that Williams was in good shape financially, since he was working until he was 63. That would also various royalties that would be coming to him.  For the most part, Williams has divided what he has left back for three of his children. Amid all the fiasco of comedy and drama, Williams appears to have a stable 'head between his shoulders' even as he was fighting his demons.

Robin's financial reps have said that financial issues did not bring him to the brink of suicide.

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