Go Pro Hero 4 Release Date Set On March 2015! Specs And Features Revealed As Camera Is Poised To Outmatch Rival Sony Action Cam!

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The GoPro Hero 4 release date has been revealed! What are the specs and features of this new action cam?

GoPro has launched several products and the cameras are generally used for capturing extreme sports in a live action. GoPro is rather a phenomenon in the world of leisure and extreme sports photography. The cameras are able to work amazingly in all conditions and have invaded all atmospheres, the air, the water and the earth. The camera is a rugged and lightweight one, weighing less than 100 g. It is an action camera and has a special attachment for windsurfing; skip poles, cars, boards and almost anything else in motion. You can share your achievements through videos that can be displayed in 4K quality.

The GoPro Hero 4 is arousing a lot of excitement in the world of technology. There is a lot of speculation and it seems that the upcoming camera will be an outstanding one with a lot of unique and powerful features.

The Hero 3 was equipped with an A7, whereas the Hero 4 will supposedly have an A9 chip. The GoPro Hero 3 had 4K recording features at the rate of 15 frames per second. It is rumored that as the GoPro Hero 3 makes use of the A7 Hybrid DV/DSC, 1080p60 Camera SoC, it is but natural that the new camera will be upgraded to the A9. This will mean that the GoPro will be able to capture 4K videos, at the rate of 30 frames per second. Currently, there is no other camcorder that can capture 4K videos, at this rate. In addition, the A9 will have the capability of capturing footage of 1080p at the rate of 120 frames per second and footage of 720p at the rate of 240 frames per second. This kind of recording will result in a stunningly smooth slow motion recording, due to the high frame rates. In fact, it is the ideal portable camera to have, for taking recordings under water and in other extreme sports and other such situations.

Whether there is any truth to these rumors, remains to be seen. The A9 4K features were announced in January 2014, so it might just work out for the new GoPro release. However, when the chip is upgraded it will result in a rise in the price as well. The form factor of the camera may also be affected to some extent, but this is something that GoPro can surely handle, as it is not a new feature. In the effort to keep the SD card needs in mind as well as in reducing the size and the cost, there will have to be some sacrifices in the bit rate. This means that the bit rate will be low with the quality of recording being high.

The GoPro Hero 4 will be a waterproof camera. This means that the user can take videos in deep water at about 60 meters. This is because of the flat lens making it possible. Still photographs can also be captured with this camera. The GoPro Hero 4 will also have a Wi Fi module and other apps. It also has an HDMI port for uploading and for sharing the videos easily. The USB port on the camera will enable the connection of the camera to any other device.

Once the GoPro Hero 4 is released, it is bound to be one of the best cameras in the market. The features will be enhanced in comparison to the GoPro Hero 3 and will be useful for capturing moments in extreme sports.

As reported by The CineLens News Center The GoPro Hero 4 is scheduled to be released on March 2015.

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