Jurassic World Trailer Leaked Online [PHOTOS] Alleged Photos Of The Teaser As New Dinosaurs Set To Debut In The Movie


The Jurassic World trailer was leaked online and if the reports and rumors are to be believed, then the movie is going to feature a lot of different dinosaurs and a couple of "man-made" ones.

Users over at 4chan have claimed that the Jurassic World trailer was leaked and the leaked 40 second Jurassic World trailer showcased a bunch of dinosaurs and Chris Pratt talking about "man-made" dinosaurs.

It should be noted though that the video hasn't been spread out that it can be watched on video steaming websites but the users at the /tv/ board of 4chan swears that it is real. So take this with a grain of salt.

The Jurassic World trailer allegedly shows shots of Dinosaurs roaming the island freely with the Jurassic Park theme playing in the background and a shot of a T-rex roaring then it cuts to Chris Pratt talking to someone about the "man-made" dinosaurs being not what nature intended them to be.

It has been speculated that these "man-made" dinosaurs are dinosaurs which did not exist in nature but were created for the sake of the park's entertainment.

A few pictures of the alleged Jurassic World trailer was uploaded the site for everyone to see:

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