Joo Won Seen Attending School...Tall Height 'Force of Celebrity'

Joo Won

Actor Joo Won was recently seen attending a lecture at his school.

Recently on an online community's notice board, a couple of pictures of the actor Joo Won with the title, 'Joo Won who was seen at school,' was uploaded.

In the picture that was recently uploaded, actor Joo Won was seen wearing a blue hoodie t-shirt with jeans and appeared to have a casual look. On this day, Joo Won was attending lecture in the school. His tall height and good looks gained the attention of students and members of the online community right away.

Netizens who saw the pictures of actor Joo Won at school commented, "Joo Won's height really cannot be hidden," "even Joo Won's backside is really good looking," "if there was a senior like actor Joo Won in my school, I think I would easily be able to attend school really well," "his celebrity force can be seen so clearly in the pictures."

Meanwhile, actor Joo Won is attending Sungkyunkwan University and is a 4th year student, studying in the School of Performing Arts.

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