'Daredevil' Netflix Update: New TV Spot Features New Action Scenes [VIDEO] First Full Review Of The Marvel TV Series Revealed Online!

Daredevil Netflix
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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Good news Marvel fans as new updates for Marvel's Netflix series "Daredevil" have been revealed, regarding a new TV spot trailer and its first full review.

Screenrant has reported that a new TV spot for Marvel's "Daredevil" has been revealed, and it features new fight scenes that Marvel fans will be expecting within the show.

The TV spot shows how Matt Murdock dish out his own "brand of justice" to the criminals of Hell's Kitchen as the video ends with Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson) telling Matt that his costume "sucks" to which Matt replied, "Yeah, its a work in progress."

The previous TV spot revealed Matt's past as a child who became blind after an accident. He developed enhanced senses, and was trained by a mysterious blind man named Stick (Scott Glenn).

Blastr reported before that executive producer Steven S. DeKnight hinted that Matt's Daredevil costume will evolve on its own as he tries to improve himself in each episode.

"He starts wearing protective pads. Eventually it morphs into the classic suit, because he wouldn't be Daredevil without it. Getting there is part of the fun. The idea was to back the story up to the point before Matt is Daredevil," DeKnight told Comics Continuum.

In other news, Cinemablend's own Eric Eisenberg made a review about the first five episodes of "Daredevil".

"In advance of Daredevil’s first season release on Netflix next week – 13 episodes going live on April 10th – I had the recent opportunity to take in the first five episodes of the series, and was blown away with what it had to offer to both fans and the broader spectrum of the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe", Eisenberg wrote.

Eisenberg further adds, "Really more serial crime drama than superhero show, the Steven DeKnight-run program is a tour through the darkest streets of Hell’s Kitchen in New York, and the painful-yet-fascinating tale of a blind lawyer who seeks justice by any means necessary with the power of exceptionally powerful senses. Armed with a cadre of awesome performances and intensely tight arcs that constantly build on the compounding narrative, it’s intense, beautiful, and feels surprisingly fresh."

With that being said, Marvel fans will be excited to see how "Daredevil" will fare against other shows like "The Flash", "Arrow" and "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." any time soon as the series will premiere in Netflix on April 10, 2015.

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