'Thor: Ragnarok' Movie News: Plot Details For Part 3 Revealed By Chris Hemsworth As Julie Delpy Targeted For The Role Of Amora The Enchantress Rumored!

Thor: Ragnarok
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Plot details revealed
Chris Hemsworth

Good news Marvel fans, news updates for "Thor: Ragnarok" have been revealed, regarding the plot details and a rumored cast member playing a major villain in the film.

According to International Business Times, "Avengers: Age of Ultron" star Chris Hemsworth has revealed several details regarding the plot of "Thor: Ragnarok" film during an interview with Slash Films.

Hemsworth told Slash Films on how the ending of "Thor: Dark World" would trigger the events leading to the third film following Thor's exploits on earth as part of the Avengers.

"Up until kind of the third act or sort of halfway through he begins to have suspicions about what's going on here or what this bigger picture is here and who's involved," Hemsworth told Slash Films. "He doesn't know by the end of it but he starts to think something's not right here, which certainly points his focus back there."

Yibida has reported that sometime within "Avengers: Age of Ultron" film, Thor will be affected by the Scarlet Witch's mind manipulating powers as the website hints that Thor will have visions of Asgard destroyed during Ragnarok.

"I think it certainly creates a conflict. It's more kind of within their individual selves rather than the team so much. I think they'll begin to have their fears held up in front of them. For Thor, I think it's a corruption of power," Hemsworth said.

Hemsworth further adds, "It's hard to even say what it will be in Thor's dream sequence but it kicks in motion his movement. That's where he really starts to kind of move through the story. Once that dream occurs he goes, 'Oh, I can see what's coming and my fear could be true' so yeah, it's a ticking clock."

Several Marvel fans speculated that in the movie, Thor will be consumed with so much power after the death of his father Odin, and will trigger Ragnarok on the process, destroying Asgard and himself, IBT reports.

Aside from the plot details, rumors are making rounds that a new cast member will be playing Amora the Enchantress in the movie.

According to Newsarama, "Before Midnight" star Julie Delpy is being targeted for the role of the Enchantress, and she will likely appear in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" due to her name being included in the World Premier cast list.

Comicbook.com previously reported that the Enchantress is one of the three villains that are present in "Thor: Ragnarok" along with Scourge the Executioner, and the Firelord Surtur.

"Thor: Ragnarok" will released in movie theaters on Nov. 3, 2017.

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