'The Wang Family' Oh Hyun Kyung's Only Concern is Her Luxury Bag Despite of Bankruptcy

The Wang Family
Oh Hyun Kyung
Jo Sung Ha
Kim Hae Sook

"The Wang Family" People show up to Jo Sung Ha's house to claim his possessions because of his bankruptcy.

September 8, an episode of the KBS weekend drama "The Wang Family" featured people showing up to Go Min Joong's (Jo Sung Ha) house to claim all of this valuables because of his bankruptcy.

Everything in Go Min Joong and Wang Soo Bak's (Oh Hyun Kyung) house had red tags on them to be taken away. Even while everything was being taken away from their home, all Wang Soo Bak could care about was her luxury handbag. She hugs her bag and cries while saying "Please let this one stay with me. This is new! It's only been a month since I met this one."

Go Min Joong tells her, "Take the kids and go to my father's place."

Wang Soo Bak begins to cry furiously and Lee Ang Geum (Kim Hae Sook) says, "She can't live in the countryside!" and panics as well.

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