Park Seo Joon Keeps His Promise And Parties With Fans

Park Seo Joon
Choi Si Won
She Was Pretty

Park Seo Joon has kept his promise to take photos with the fans of "She Was Pretty." The actor, who plays a leading role in the drama said he would pose with fans if the drama's ratings exceeded 15 percent and it achieved that milestone by the eighth episode. The highest nationwide Nielsen ratings were 18 percent, but the November 11 finale could yet beat that.

The fan photos were taken for the December issue of the magazine InStyle. Six fans were chosen from a total of 5,600 fans who applied. The fans were chosen on the basis of the creative photos they sent or the interesting stories they told.

The photo shoot had a holiday party theme complete with confetti and noisemakers. In one photo Park was dressed in a sporty tweed jacket with a blue turtleneck. In another the 26-year-old actor wore a blazer while the drama's fans modeled a sophisticated selection of black outfits. In "She Was Pretty" the stylish Park Seo Joon plays Ji Sung Joon, the chief deputy editor of the drama's Most fashion magazine. So, it's fitting that his promise to fans was fulfilled in a fashion magazine.

Choi Si Won also made good on a promise that he would fulfill if the drama's ratings were high. During a Naver's V app appearance in October the Super Junior singer and actor said that if the drama's ratings reached 20 percent he would watch an episode with the fans. They did not quite reach 20 percent. Although the national average was 18 percent, viewership in Seoul only reached 19.8 percent. That was close enough.

Choi attended a special screening with his a theater full of his fans on November 4. The fans only received a day's advance notice that he would attend the screening, but the room was packed in minutes.

Choi played reporter and secret book author Kim Shin Hyuk in "She Was Pretty." His character was Park's romantic rival for the attentions of Hwang Jung Eum's character.

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