Google's New 'Offline Navigation and Search' Feature For Google Maps:How Does It Work?

Google Maps

Google released a new addition of "Offline Navigation and Search" to its existing Google Maps application, according to the Official Google Blog. This feature is built to work, even if the user doesn't have internet connection or is at a remote place.

Earlier if there was no signal range on the mobile phone, the Google map application would drop dead and would be of no usage to the user in the need of hour, reported Yahoo. Google has added this new offline functionality so as to improve the usage of the Google Maps application even in offline mode.

The new feature is designed to provide driving directions in remote places; help to search desired destinations and show nearby places and any other information about a particular place like contact information, hours of operation or ratings in areas which are unknown to the user, even if there is no network accessibility.

It will work even if there is no connectivity, according to Amanda Bishop, Product Manager at Google, BBC News reported. She also added that the new feature will take user experience to a new level. The only thing that wouldn't be available offline is Traffic information.

To use this new update, users have to just download the map of any desired area on the phone to make it available anytime.The user can just type the name of the place and search for it, then select the span of the area to be downloaded and make it available offline using the application's download feature, according to Yahoo.The only requirement to download maps of any area is a Wi-Fi connection, to prevent large data fees.

The new feature of the application is built to automatically switch online and offline by recognizing the connection in the user's location. This feature is currently available with the latest version update of Google Maps on Android and supposed to roll-out soon for IOS, according to Google.

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