'Eagles Of Death Metal' Band Members Unhurt; 120 People Succumb To Gun Firing At Bataclan Concert In Paris

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"Eagles of Death Metal", Californian rock band, escaped death during ISIS attacks while performing live at Bataclan Concert Hall in Paris on November 13,2015, according to Mirror.com. The band members were on the stage performing when four attackers bombed their way into the concert and started random firing with the help of automatic machine guns, killing almost 80 people that same instant.

The members of the band first heard firing, after just completing six performances during the show, which was double the sound of the music. The lead singer of the band Jesse Hughes , along with Tuesday Cross, drummer Julian Dorio and rest of the crew, all made their way out through the back stage door as soon as possible and fled the attack sight. Julian also made a call to his brother Michael and told him that he was safe.

He also narrated their dreadful escape from the concert hall. The band lost their Merchandise manager, Nick Alexander during the attacks. The band's co-lead, Josh Homme, was not present during the France tour this year.

Julien Pearce, an eyewitness to the massacre, said that the attackers entered the hall wearing black overcoats and started firing all around randomly. The terrorists also killed people who tried to escape in front of them. He said that the gunmen were very calm and determined during the attacks and shouted before attacking "This is for Syria," quoted Mirror.com.

When the police tried to enter the hall, the gunmen wearing suicide belts blew themselves off and created chaos at the scene, killing around 120 people in all and 350 injured. The only survivors from the attacked site are those people who acted as if they were dead or those who managed to get out to top floors and escape via windows.

The genre of the band is Blues Rock, which is drum beats mixed with slide guitar and Canned Heat vocals. The rock band came into existence in 1998 by Josh Homme, founder of "Queens of The Stone Age" band and Jesse Hughes,a South Carolina musician. The band's latest album "Zipper Down" was released this October and made it to the Billboard's top list, according to Billboard.com.

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