'Playstation 4' Used In Paris Attacks?

Playstation 4
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"PlayStation 4" has been assumed to be the information exchange platform for the deadly Paris attacks on November 13, 2015 aka "Black Friday," according to Forbes.com.

Jan Jambon, a Belgian minister said that the attackers might have executed their plan by communicating through "PS4," Sony's gaming console. The political leader argued during a debate that the information exchange through "PS4" is much more difficult to trail upon than "Whatsapp," a messaging platform used to exchange multimedia data, reported The Telegraph.com.

"People think the mosques are the places of recruitment but I think that today, most of the recruitment is done by the Internet," Jambon said in the Telegraph report. Few months ago, a teenager from Turkey downloaded a guide on bomb making from "PS4" and also contacted the ISIS group in Syria for which he was condemned and sent to prison for two years.

The "What Works" debate event, organized by Politico, talked about the use of the gaming console as a key component of the Paris massacre.This topic was the point of discussion because the gaming platform was captured from the suspects of the 11/13 attacks in Paris, reported the International Business Times.

According to Forbes Magazine, "PlayStation" offers gamers the facility to send text and audio messages and also contact through various games with the help of the exclusive network of the gaming facility.The communications done through such platform are very difficult to track as the system is Internet Protocol-based and the IP address keeps on changing frequently.

The players can communicate through the props used in "PS4"games, like coins in "Super Mario Maker" or by shooting walls and writing messages with the help of bullets in "Call of Duty" game.

According to Edward Snowden's revelations report on National Security Agency in 2003, it was evident that terrorists try to make use of gaming platforms to strike inconspicuously. Around 129 people have been found dead and 352 injured in the recent Paris attacks, reported the Telegraph

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