'Secret' Ji Sung Proposes To Lee Da Hee Saying, "It's Okay To Have An Affair"

Ji Sung

Ji Sung proposed to Lee Da Hee, his partner for the arranged marriage.

On the 3rd episode of KBS2 drama 'Secret,' (Script Hong Jung Eun, Hong Mi Ran, Production Jin Hyuk), which was broadcasted on October 2, 2013, Min Hyuk (Ji Sung) suggested marriage to Sae Yeon (Lee Da Hee) with the premise of getting divorced.

When Sae Yeon told him he doesn't have the rights to choose her as a bride, Min Hyuk suggested he will give her what she wants, which is freedom. "You can meet other guys, I don't need a child, marriage is all I want. I will promised we will get a divorce later," Min Hyuk said.

On the other hand, Min Hyuk negotiated with and acquired from president Jo the right to manage the hotel, heralding a new development to the story.

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