T-Mobile All Set To Lure in Sprint Customers With 'Black Friday Deals' This Holiday Season.

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T-Mobile, German Telecom Company, recently announced its great offers for all its Sprint customers, who are stuck with the slowest 4G network, according to The Washington Post.

T-Mobile's network is the fastest LTE network and provides LTE coverage with enhanced speed. T-Mobile started off with the holiday season by offering high-speed data connectivity to their post-paid plan customers.

The third largest carrier service company in US has now promised to offer $200 for every Sprint customer, who will switch to their network and sign up for their pre-paid and post-paid plans. The offer is also open to Sprint's other holding's customers from Virgin Mobile and Boost.

The CEO of T-Mobile, John Legere, said that they have devised this plan of offering $ 200 as a credit gift for the devastated Sprint customers. "Those poor people have put up with the nation's slowest and smallest LTE network, and their carrier throwing out a deal-of-the-month for everyone except them. We know Sprint's customers love T-Mobile when they switch, so this holiday season, we're taking away every barrier and cost to coming over to the Un-carrier and America's fastest 4G LTE network," said John, as quoted by CNET.

The telecom giant is going to offer Unlimited LTE plans for $45 per line for a family of four. The new customers from Sprint are also eligible to avail T-Mobile's "Carrier Freedom" plans. When the customers switch their number to T-Mobile's network, they will be given an additional amount of $650, which expects to cover the early termination fees of Sprint.

According to Geek Wire, analysts have commented that offering heavy discounts will only add up to T-Mobile's acquiring costs and doesn't guarantee long term benefits for the company.

T-Mobile's strategic offer has already hit the shelves on November 26, Thanksgiving Day. The company has also in store various Black Friday deals like $100 off on Samsung products which will include, Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, S6 Edge + and Note 5.

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