'One Piece' Manga Chapter 810 Spoilers: Jack The Drought To Be Reveled As Renegade Morgan?

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"One Piece," action adventure anime's chapter 810 is rumored to focus more on the lead character of the series, Jack, according to Movie News Guide.

The predictions for chapter 810 started during the One Piece "prediction contest," where fans of the series participated and speculated about the next possibilities of events in the upcoming chapter.

Yibada reported that the new chapter 810 of the Japanese anime will concentrate on Jack's true identity. The episode will reveal whether Jack is a Samurai or the Axe-Hand Morgan. Jack's character will also be compared with Renegade Marine Morgan, which is a vicious character of One Piece manga series.

The rumors suggest that Jack and Morgan have many similarities between them as both the characters reflect merciless and destructive nature. It has also been highly speculated that Morgan had earlier turned himself into Jack the Drought, by eating a zoan-type mammoth fruit, reported Christian Post.

Realty Today reported of the possibility that Jack is Morgan and it surfaced since he was spotted wearing the same armor jacket like Morgan and that both have similar blonde hair and eyes. The Beasts Pirates captain is also rumored to be the Samurai warrior as he showcased similar sword of Samurai in earlier episodes.

The storyline of the latest chapter will also feature the Minks explaining to the Strawhats about the events and happenings of the Wano Country. One Piece's chapter 810 will also consist of a dialogue between Nekomamushi and Trafalgar Law.

Design and Trend reported that the next episode will also feature a battle between Law and Luffy soldiers against Kaido and also a clash between Duke Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, which are rulers of Day and Night respectively.

Raizo's location will also be revealed in the next chapter, where he will be shown hiding in Zou Island. Jack had earlier attacked the Mink tribe to find Raizo. Kanjuro and Kin'emom are rumored to have the prior knowledge of Raizo's hiding place, which when revealed to Jack, will add a new twist in the storyline.

The new chapter 810 of One Piece manga series is slated to release coming Thursday, December 17.

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