Kim Ah Joong “Joo Won Touches My Elbow”

Kim Ah Joong
Joo Won

Kim Ah Joong talked about Joo Won's affectionate touch and attracted viewers attention.

On SBS "TV Entertainment Nightly" broadcast on October 16th, Kim Ah Joon talked about something that happened with Joo Won and his affectionate touch and startled him.

On this day, Kim Ah Joong said that women must have a innate feeling to want to get protected and like hugs from behind.

Afterwards Joo Won said, "I like hugs from the back or the front," and to this, Kim Ah Joong said, "Joo Won has a quirk and that's to grab your elbow. The thing is, when it's out of the blue, you get startled."

Joo Won then drew laughter by saying, "Elbow skin doesn't hurt when you pinch it and it's a very charismatic area."

Netizens responded, "Kim Ah Joong drops a bomb! I would be startled too." "I want to be touched too!" "I don't know what I'd feel like!"

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