Park Shi Hoo’s Comeback Marred By Malicious Comments

Park Shi Hoo
Yoon Eun Hye

After an absence of three years, Park Shi Hoo has been making his drama comeback with a starring role in the OCN drama "Neighborhood Hero."

But that does not mean Park Shi Hoo's comeback is happening without some backlash. According to the Korean media outlet mydaily, Park Shi Hoo recently decided to take legal action against 76 online commenters. The comments did not begin with his comeback but Park would like them to stop.

His lawyer Jo In Ho spoke with the publication, saying that there are many netizens who have consistently posted negative comments since Park Shi Hoo's 2013 scandal. In 2013 Park was accused of raping an aspiring actress but he claimed the sex was consensual. The accusation resulted in a string of lawsuits that were all eventually dropped.

"Over the past few years we kept track of netizens who consistently post vicious comments, especially those that are most insulting, and we decided to sue them," said Jo.

Park's legal team reportedly submitted a lawsuit to the prosecutor's office, requesting that the commenters be investigated for defamation of character.

As a result of the scandal, the actor did not work in Korea for a few years, although he did work in Japan. When he previously considered returning to dramaland with a role in the 2014 drama "Golden Cross," the negative feedback may have factored in his decision to postpone his comeback. In 2015, he did commit to "Neighborhood Hero," in which he plays a former agent who buys a bar and then becomes a secret crime avenger.

Next month Park can also be seen in the Korean-Chinese film "After Love" with Yoon Eun Hye. When Yoon Eun Hye decided to take the role she received many negative comments, saying that working with Park Shi Hoo could damage her career. The film was supposed to be released last year in Korea, China and Japan but will finally be released in March.

In the film Park and Yoon play husband and wife. He is a distant husband who does not realize that he loves his wife until he loses her.

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