Have you noticed Dan Oh clutching her chest in this week's episodes? We did not get many romantic scenes from Ha Roo (SF9's Rowoon) and Dan Oh (Kim Hye Yoon) before they go to Angstville. Viewers have to endure this before they see the ending of their love story.
Before we shift to happy times, here are the heartbreaking scenes in this week's episodes:
Warning: Spoilers
1. Dried Squid Fairy's painful past
We get to see more of Jin Mi's (Lee Tae Ri) past in this week's episodes. Geum Jin Mi is his real name. Viewers understood why he doesn't like the characters to change the Stage. In his past, he fell in love with Soo Hyang, a palace maid. She was killed when they tried to run away together in the Shadow. Then he was pulled in the actual scene and saw her alive but she forgot everything about him. Prince Baek Kyung wanted to hurt King Jin Mi, so he killed Soo Hyang once again.
In the present time od "Secret", Soo Hyang and Dried Squid Fairy met again. He is suffering from not being able to be with his first love. He already knew his painful fate that he will never be with her, but the cruel writer keeps on teasing him by putting Soo Hyang in front of him. Only one week left and viewers are curious to know if this pair will get their happy ending.
2. When Dan Oh told Baek Kyung not to visit
We all know that Dan Oh is a cheerful girl that brings happiness to everyone. It heartbreaking when she told Baek Kyung that he should stop going to the hospital in the future. She was crying while saying these words to him.
Baek Kyung seems to be a changed man this week. He was gentle, attentive, and genuine with his actions. Why didn't he change a little bit sooner? It is because of the writers in drama and manhwa that made him go back to being a jerk whenever he tries to be nice. He might be a second male lead that we also root for.
3. Ha Roo's overprotectiveness
We thought Ha Roo was being super flirty with Dan Oh. He is doing his best to keep her safe. He is a little overreacting because water drops will not hurt her. He is scared to lose Dan Oh and this is messing up his judgment. He doesn't know how to save her but he is trying. We know the pain of losing a loved one and we don't want our male lead to experience it.
4. When Joo Da made the wrong move
Last week we witnessed Joo Da (APRIL's Naeun) gained awareness. Viewers did not know that she can remember since Do Hwa (Jung Gun Joo) confessed his true feelings for her on the birthday of Nam Joo (Kim Young Dae) in episode 10. She declared that she gained self-awareness and defended herself against the bullies. Viewers are looking forward to seeing how her character progresses this week.
Joo Da has not figured out the difference between defending yourself from planning revenge. She also thought of manipulating Nam Joo. We know that he will forget about it but the guy doesn't deserve to be treated badly. Joo Da is becoming more like the bullies and viewers are hoping she will come to her senses soon.
5. Dan Oh's new version
"Secret" and "Trumpet Flower" became more exciting as Dan Oh dies by their manhwa. Baek Kyung is always involved and did it because of his self-centeredness. Although in "Secret" he tried to stop Dan Oh from permanently dying. The same thing that happened to Soo Hyang, she lost her self-awareness when she died in the Shadow. She disappeared completely when she was killed on the Stage.
It hurts to see Dan Oh crying while begging for the writer to keep her alive. She was sent to the hospital because of her heart again. Baek Kyung removed her oxygen mask, thinking he can save her. He remembered suddenly that in "Trumpet Flower", he used Ha Roo's sword to kill Dan Oh. He was scared of his vision and puts back Dan Oh's oxygen mask. Ha Roo arrives next and says a few words on her before she crashes. The next stage begins again.
Then viewers saw Dan Oh walking without her bangs. There is something new about her. Maybe it's because she is less self-aware now. Watch out for Dan Oh 2.0!