Ku Hye-sun shared deep personal details about her divorce with Ahn Jae-hyun. She talked about many things including the cause, her first reaction, how her husband had treated her, how her mother opposed their marriage, and how Jae-hyun has changed over time. The actress shared all of these on an interview with Women's DongA Magazine.
"After the first article regarding the divorce was released, my parents were so worried about me. It was the first time that they've seen so angry with an issue. I was hurt and I'm not even the kind of person who gets easily angered but I got angry. Everyone was shocked. Close friends and family members reached out and tried to talk to me. My sister came to visit and stayed with me for a week. After that, my mom came as well. I was in and out of the hospital the first month after the news spread, I was anxious, I was depressed. I didn't know how to feel. After that, I went into counseling and now, my mind is already calm and I am ready to talk properly," the actress opened up.
"When I first introduced Jae-hyun to my family, my mother didn't agree with the relationship. She didn't want me to get married. She wanted me to work first and travel and enjoy being young. I remember my mom once told me that he's just being nice now because he likes you but dating and marriage are two very different things. When people live together, problems arise and love may gradually fade. She was worried that we're rushing into marriage as we don't know each other deeply yet. But I didn't listen. I went on and got married so when it didn't work out I just blamed myself. I kept asking what did I do to wrong? Why did this happen?"
The actress also started to talk about how things drifted apart between the couple. She said that Ahn Jae-hyun changed after filming "Love With Flaws." She expressed why she acted that way saying, "My husband started lying to me. He would always come home drunk. He would go out early in the morning and come home late at night. He also decided to get his own studio apartment. Things went downhill after that. I couldn't reach him anymore. I initially thought he wanted more time to work but after a month he just asked for a divorce. What do you want me to think after that? Do you hoe stly think I calm down after that?"
"You know after I got married, I didn't work a lot. I stayed home cause no one will do the housework. So maybe I also got depressed that I felt like I'm not growing while my husband is always out. I just felt abandoned. Plus, respect went away. When we first started dating, I was his senior so he always respected me. But later on, when I stayed home, he started ignoring me."
In the past few months, since the divorce issue came out, Ku Hye-sun has been vocal about not wanting it. This time, however, she is willing to go through with it.
"After much thought and consideration, I will give him what he wants. Besides, there's really no point in seeing each other again. It was just hard at first cause it came out from his agency before he discussed it with me. After all the commotion, at the end of the day, as a wife, I think I had the right to get hurt and try to fix things first, but with everything that has happened, I am now going to agree with the divorce."