As you get started with Instagram marketing, it's natural to have a variety of questions. Some are easy to answer, while others will require much more of your attention to figure out. Regardless of what is on your mind, it's necessary to address the questions in a fast and efficient manner. Not to mention the fact that accuracy always comes into play.
No two people or brands have the same idea of what they want to accomplish on Instagram, so you shouldn't expect your questions to be the same. For example, you may have questions about the best place to buy Instagram likes, whereas the next person wants to learn more about how to boost their followers without spending any money.
Regardless of the questions you need to answer, don't put them off for too long. When you ignore the questions and concerns at hand, you could find yourself making decisions that don't benefit you or help you reach your goals.
There is no way of knowing what types of questions you will have about Instagram marketing in the future, but here are just a few of the many you may be dealing with right now:
1. What is the best way to grow an Instagram following as quickly as possible?
It's one thing to grow your Instagram following, but another thing entirely to do so in a fast and efficient manner. You don't want to waste days on end on something that has no chance of generating results. It goes without saying that this is not the best use of your time.
You need to quickly come to grips with the best way to grow your Instagram following in a hurry. Maybe this means buying followers or hiring someone to assist you. Or maybe it means putting more hours into carrying out your strategy. Whatever it may be, just make sure you have a clear idea of the direction you are heading.
2. What is the best way to boost engagement on Instagram?
It's nice to grow your audience. In fact, it's more than nice. It's something you must do if you are going to achieve success on Instagram. But that's just the start. You also need to boost engagement whenever and however possible. From comments to likes, it's critical that you take steps that work in your favor.
When people engage with your content, you're more likely to bring them back in the future. And when that happens, you begin to build a loyal following of people who are likely to take your desired action (no matter what it may be).
3. Is there a trick to buying Instagram followers and likes, or is one service the same as the next?
If you decide that buying Instagram followers is the way to go, you need to start by finding a service you can trust and rely on such as ViralRace. This is easier said than done, especially with so many of these services telling you that they are able to provide exactly what you are looking for.
The trick to buying Instagram followers is knowing that you are getting a high quality product in exchange for your money. This starts with asking the right questions, reading the company's website, and finding reviews.
From there, run a small test for a better idea of what the company has to offer someone in your position. If you don't go all in too early, it's easier to back out should the time come. You don't want to do this, but it's better than losing a lot of money.
4. How many times per day should you post new content to Instagram?
This is a question that has no answer. Some people and brands post once per day and that is more than enough to satisfy them and their audience. And then there are those that post five or more times per day, and if they had more time and resources they would probably expand beyond this.
The best thing you can do is to experiment with a variety of posting schedules. Try once per day to see where it takes you. If that works, move up to two times per day to see if the results are any better. As long as you are tracking everything that happens along the way, you can get a good feel for what works best for your audience.
Tip: don't post so much that you let your quality suffer. Doing this is counterproductive.
5. What is the best way to track your Instagram marketing progress?
Yet another question with multiple answers. However, no matter what you decide on, make sure it works for you. It's critical that you know how to track your Instagram marketing progress with success.
Some people do this with a business dashboard, others use the information provided by Instagram, and some even opt for good old fashioned pen and paper.
When you have a system for tracking your Instagram marketing progress, it's easier to see what is and isn't working. And when you see this, you can then adjust your approach according to what makes the most sense.
If one method doesn't work for you, look into something that makes more sense. An open mind will allow you to eventually find a tracking system you can rely on.
Final Thoughts
It's these types of questions that you can expect to answer early on. As you learn more about Instagram marketing, including what you want to accomplish, you can adjust your approach and answer questions that more closely align with what will work for you.
As noted above, it's never wise to ignore any Instagram marketing questions. When you answer them now, you'll have the knowledge necessary to enjoy the results in the future.
What types of Instagram marketing questions did you ask when you were first getting started? Did you find everything you were looking for? Where did you turn? Share all your thoughts and advice in the comment section below.