Who would've thought that Ji Chang Wook, the handsome talented actor that everyone came to love, struggled with poverty? On MBC's program Radio Star the close of friend of the actor, INFINITE member Sunggyu, shared a story about him that not many fans know. He shared Chang Wook's past struggles.
He was talking about how idols and actors don't always have it easy, and that's when he shared about Chang Wook's life. He stated that he met Chang Wook while he was in the military and they got pretty close that they even did a musical together.
Chang Wook told him that there were a lot of times in the past where all he'd ever ate was rice with salt. Sunggyu then added how he felt the actor's struggles as there were also days when all he had for meals was the free rice and eggs in the dorm as he couldn't afford to buy anything else.
As the INFINITE member share these stories, fans shared on SNS their thoughts. One fan said, "Chang Wook looks like a royalty, who would've thought he went through hardships?"
You can watch a short clip of the interview here: