Hyun Joo is working hard to meet the deadline of her webtoon artist maker. She's been a webtoon producer for over five years.
After the meeting with Mr. Oh, she went directly to a wedding reception. Hyun Joo's late and her friends are all waiting for her. At the table, a handsome man approached her and asked for her number. Hyun Joo declined, saying she left her phone at home.
A flashback of her past showed Hyun Joo's story of why she chose not to get married. From an accident, Hyun Joo got into a coma and woke up remembering all her past lives. In three different lives, she married and lost the same man. In those three times, she becomes heartbroken and devastated.
Through therapy and counseling, Hyun Joo outgrew and slowly forgets her past memories. Although when she happens to have a close connection with someone, it didn't work well.
She grew up as a beautiful lady but all her past boyfriends are giving her headaches. Though one time, she met a man asked to marry her, but that never changed her perception about marriage.
Hyun Joo declared to her friends and family in her own private wedding reception she made. She will forever stay single and marry no one. She wishes to work hard and support her family for the rest of her life.
Her parents were devastated to hear about her decision. Young Soon threw a fit in the event, scolding her daughter for showing such behavior to her friends and family.
Since then, Hyun Joo has worked hard in a company as a webtoon producer. She helped all the webtoon artists to continue and submit episodes when needed. She expected to get a promotion as a webtoon artist after all her produced webtoon series earned high ratings.
CEO Hwang Ji Woo sets the board meeting as his associates gather for a set of presentations. Ji Woo exposed one of the director's secret deals to the board resulting in his arrest. Ji Woo is strict and gets all things done for the company's welfare.
Back at My Toon company, Hyun Joo discovered that she gets a notice to quit from her current job. One of the artists collaborated with his fellow associates and submitted reports to Director In. They complained about the abuse of authority from Hyun Joo as the producer. They gave a detailed false statement and evidence to the director's office.
Hyun Joo got fired from My Toon. Director In sided with the artists who were bribed for reporting false accusations about her being a producer. Park Do Gyum, an artist who believes and sided with Hyun Joo, confronted his fellow associates before they left the director's office.
Meanwhile, Ji Woo went inside the My Toon building and met Hyun Joo inside the elevator. They got stuck as it trips off, going to the ground floor.
Ji Woo felt a sharp pain in his chest and fell to the floor. Hyun Joo called Do Gyum through her cell phone and asked for help. She assisted Ji Woo while doing a CPR when he got no pulse.
In the act of giving Ji Woo oxygen by blowing through his mouth, memories of the past flash into Hyun Joo's mind. Memories of her past relationships crossed to her imagination.