Shin Hyun Joon's former manager Kim Gwang Seob revealed a sequence of text messages sent between the two on July 13, about how the former manager was being mistreated repeatedly. Some of which include being spoken rudely, being forced to look after the actor's mom, not given a formal contract, and above all, he is underpaid.
They even argued about how much each one will receive after a fan meeting in Japan way back in 2012. It seems like there was no formal contract between the two, that's why issues like come to the occasion.
Another series of messages was revealed all from Shin Hyun Joon. "Any good news?" was sent repeatedly within ten minutes. "Why aren't you responding to me?" He asked several times when the former manager did not reply. "How did it go?" was also sent by Shin Hyun Joon six times within a minute.
Shin Hyun Joon's agency representative said to Xportsnews that the claims were false. He said that if there were any grievances, they should have met and resolved the problems with each other as they were long times friends and very casual with each other.
On July 13, HJ Film released a statement stating and on the process of taking legal action. The statement says they are sorry for causing concern in various ways. And the ten years that happened way back took them a long time to collect evidence and comprehend the truth about the situation.
They added that they had to deal with this carefully and passively ahead of the public so no harm can happen to the actor's family and those working hard to create KBS's "The Return of Superman." Shin Hyun Joon's party won't be patient anymore if they could prove that the messages released were randomly and maliciously selected and was edited dishonestly.
Form 2010 and the next five years, Kim Gwang Seob was the CEO of an entertainment agency having celebrities as managers. In those times, Shin Hyun Joon changed managers several times because some managers had to leave due to delayed payment, but Kim Gwang Seob claimed otherwise. His agency has proofs regarding the issue of unpaid and delayed wages for multiple managers.
Both were externally the CEOs of an agency, and their celebrities, the actor, opted to become an affiliate of Star Brothers Entertainment to help out a friend who start up their own company.
With no formal contract, both shared the same mindset that Kim will be Shin Hyun Joon's agent and work on a project basis, and fees will vary depending on the project. One time, Kim Gwang Seob was delayed in paying Shin Hyun Joon and had to pay in cash.
The former manager claimed he gets a tenth of his earnings, and it is totally false since no contract nor verbal commitment was promised. Shin Hyun Joon's agency pointed out why would he ask how much he would get if it were clear he would be getting ten percent.
Kim Gwang Seob was into doing unreasonable business projects, and Shin Hyun Joon was there to help him and encourage him.
With so many delays from his reply shows how it is hard to contact the former manager even in the most important times. He is like abusing his power as a manager.
Because of this controversy, HJ Film gathered more evidence about his delinquencies as Kim Gwang Seob's victims met up with them. They added that they would take on truthful actions rather than the lies.
Shin Hyun Joon is only regretful for believing Kim Gwang Seob was his friend and was working together with him.
Lastly, the agency said that they would take legal responsibility for the false information that Kim Gwang Seob is providing and for spreading the information.
Hopefully, the dispute between the two will come to rest so that it won't do further damages to both parties.