Usually, Korean family-drama involves death f a character and feautures how the family cope up with it. Some could also tackle the struggle of parents raising children, especially teenagers or those who are single-parenting. While at times, the story could revolve as well in the struggle of a child in his or her school, especially if he/she gets bullied by other children.
These just show that values are always added to these kind of dramas, and through these, you can feel so much love and happiness in the family or the pain and struggles transitioning on how to move forward on losing someone you love and cherish.
However, most of the current family-related drama series now focus differently. For example, in The World of the Married, the wife did not forgive her husband and tried to save her family, rather she ruined her husband's life and got her revenge, and it was accepted by the audience.

It seems like an accepted fact that it's easier to end the marriage rather than saving it. We cannot deny that these kinds of drama series have penetrated the household of South Korea.
If you have watched KBS's Once Again, all the children of the Song family are divorced, and had gotten different feedbacks for old and young generations.

Lee Min Jun, who plays the role of Na Hee, is one of the three daughters who divorced her husband but still stays with her husband and is afraid of telling her conservative parents the truth.
In Once Again, the family became their safe haven after the divorce, and they are able to cope and embraced the facts they are divorced. According to a professor at Chungnam National University in Daejeo, he said that the TV show nowadays starts to narrate the change in family structure as single-person households have become the most common type in Korea.
Unlike the previous comedy Five Enough, it features divorce but the show ended up restoring the family by marrying each other again. And the heroine was a divorced mother of three who got married to a widower.

Divorce, Single Parenthood are the New Trend in Recent Drama Series
Once Again, is well accepted by many and the percentage rating has already reached 33.3 percent for its episode last Sunday, making it the highest rating in KBS's drama of 2020
Also, My Unfamiliar Family features graduation for marriage type of set-up. To whom which, they have become distant from each other. They are used to containing their emotions and find it polite to keep the problems to themselves rather than sharing it with the family.
Their mother also decided to end up her long marriage with their father, and she started a whole new life by herself. Telling the viewers, it's never too late to end up marriage and finds happiness alone, which is very unconventional because old people usually tend to be with their family and just live life as it should be.
Oh My Baby, features the liberated side of Korean Women nearing their forties, breaking the conservative beliefs in Korea that women should get married. Unlike in Oh My Baby, she wants to become a mother, but she doesn't want to be married because she thinks getting married and falling in love is far from her goals.

In Oh My Baby, the thirty-nine-year-old is a workaholic who searches for sperm donors in a bid to have a baby. She is very successful in her career and has no time for romance.
Well, this kind of set-up is common among successful actresses, except they just want to be single but no baby. A number of them stay single even they are nearing forties, and some are already older than forty. Yep, the country slowly breaks the stigma that women should be married and just populate the country.
Another rom-com Men are Men is about a single mother, and Was It love is about a single woman who refuses to get married and wants to be forever single.