A photo book featuring actor Hyun Bin was recently published in Japan without permission, and Hyun Bin's agency decides to take legal action!
On the 18th of August, a Japanese news source detailed that a book of Hyun Bin's photographs that were taken during his time in the Marine Corps would be republished on September 7. The republication is motivated by Hyun Bin's recent romance drama Crash Landing on You, in which he played a North Korean soldier.
The book being referred to had recently been distributed in South Korea as an electronic book in 2012. It was made accessible in a disconnected form in Japan in 2014 after an agreement with a Japanese distributor. This agreement rejected hyun Bin's agency. The photographs in the book had been taken by the Marines for open utilize yet wound up being available to be purchased. As community workers, military staff doesn't claim representation rights to their photos.
Later on August 18, Hyun Bin's agency, VAST Entertainment, said that they would be making a legal moves against a Korean distributing organization. A source from the organization expressed, "Much the same as in 2014, we didn't hear anything about republication in Japan. We saw that it was accessible for pre-request on Amazon Japan and reached the current distributor. The distributer was bothered and said that they felt that the Korean office had just given authorization."
The source proceeded, "In 2014, we concluded that it was the Marine Corps' issue and didn't make a legitimate move. This time it's unique. In 10 years, the photographs that were taken for open use have kept on being utilized without earlier assent. It is an issue that privately owned businesses have looked into this. We, as of late, had conversations with a law office and will be making the lawful move."
A source from Planet Media, the local distributor that arranged reissue with the Japanese distributor, expressed, "We are just reissuing the substance that was distributed five years back with no new material. It's about the Marine Hyun Bin, not the entertainer Hyun Bin, and was distributed under the understanding between the distributer and the Marines, so Hyun Bin's past and current organizations have nothing to do with it."
A source from the Marine Corps expressed, "We initially found out about the republication in Japan through news stories. The distributor didn't settle on concurrence with the Marine Corps on this." When inquired as to whether the Marines had plans to settle on an understanding in the future, the source expressed, "We have to examine this all the more intently."
Hyun Bin is currently working on shooting a film project with an unofficial title "Bartering," in light of the 2007 South Korean prisoner emergency in Afghanistan. Catch more of Hyun Bin's previous dramas as he is also known for his previous role in Crash Landing on You, Memories of Alhambra, Hyde Jekyll Me, Secret Garden, Friend, Our Legend, The Snow Queen and My Name is Kim San Soon.