These Actresses Play The Cutest Jealous Girlfriends In Kdramas According To Viewers

Kim Go Eun
The King: Eternal Monarch
Song Hye Kyo
Descendants of the Sun
Lee Sung Kyung
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends
4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends KBS2 TV

We find it cute when a character gets jealous of the drama. Most of the time, the leading man is the one that feels jealousy of the second lead, but right now, we will talk about the female counterpart. If you care and you're afraid of losing the person you love, the feeling of jealousy is quite normal.

So now, we will discuss the Korean actress who did an excellent job of acting like a jealous girlfriend in Korean dramas. We feel those butterflies whenever a person gets jealous over little things, and in Kdrama, this is one of the best things you will experience watching romantic dramas. So let's check out those female lead characters that are the cutest jealous k-drama Girlfriends on the list below!

Kim Go-eun is portraying as Ji Eun-tak in "Goblin"

4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends
4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends tvN

Kim Go-eun, as Ji Eun-tak in "Goblin," is a 19 years old girl who is very funny and is very positive, but sh,e often faces struggles in her life. There were many scenes where Ji Eun Tak displays her jealousy over things; she's not the type to keep her feelings to herself. But her way of being jealous over things which are way adorable than anything.

Kim Go-eun portraying as Jung Tae Eul in "The King Eternal Monarch"

4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends
4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends SBS

There was a scene in "The King Eternal Monarch" where Jung Tae Eul keeps on asking Lee Gon (Lee Min-Ho) questions which are full of jealousy like "Is this the very first time you experienced falling in love?" and "Who's that lady that cooked the beefsteak rice for you?" and upon hearing these questions, Lee Gon realized that his girl was feeling very jealous. He then held Jung Tae Eul's hand tightly and said, "You're the one and only girl in my heart." Don't you find this scene romantic?

Song Hye Kyo portraying as Kang Mo Yeon in "Descendants of the Sun"

4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends
4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends KBS

Song Hye Kyo, as Kang Mo Yeon, is a brave, smart, professional, and independent woman all rolled into one! She can be the woman of your dreams. Her character was funny and serious combined. When talking about a jealous girlfriend, who could forget about her? Not only she get's jealous, but she also knows how to get her revenge! She does get pissed, but Kang Mo Yeon being jealous was more like her being romantic and cute.

Lee Sung Kyung portraying as Kim Bok Joo in "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo"

4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends
4 Cutest and Jealous Korean Drama Girlfriends MBC

Kim Bok Joo is a fearless girl who is strong and brave. She is a joyful person and also very adorable; her personality made us attracted to the drama. But, she is also one character that doesn't like to share most, especially if that person is important to her. However, when she shows her jealousy, the viewers find it funny and adorable at the same time. She once got jealous over a girl laying a hand on his man, the way she expressed her feelings was so cute we can't help but giggle!

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