On the October 20 episode of the JTBC show "Camping Vibes," "Parasite" star Park So Dam opened up about the pressure she endures as an actress.
"Camping Vibes" is a new JTBC variety show where Park Na Rae, Ahn Young Mi, MAMAMOO's Solar, Apink's Son Naun, and Park So Damn visit a variety of places in South Korea with scenery that is similar to famous tourist places abroad.
In this episode, they had guest star Song Seung Heon. After a fun night of dinner and games, the cast members sat around in a half-circle to have an honest, heart-to-heart talk. Park Na Rae is seen saying, "We only met yesterday, but it feels like we have all gotten so close so quickly."

Solar agreed, saying, "I didn't think we would become so close this easily. Ahn Young Mi is so much softer than I realized. She seems so tough, swearing, and everything, on the outside." Ahn Young Mi then confessed she does those things not to seem weak. "I wanted to look tough, and I wanted people to perceive me that way. I hated looking weak. These days, however, I feel like I should show who I really am."
She then revealed she thought Park So Dam would be more outgoing but was surprised to find the opposite. "I thought, after watching 'Three Meals a Day' and other things, that Park So Dam was the type of person who approached others confidently. But it turns out that she has a lot of worries."
Park So Damn opened up about her worries and the pressures and responsibilities she feels as an actress. "I was originally the type of person who would gain energy from meeting other people. As an actress, I got to do the kind of work that I loved. I was so happy and grateful, but one day, I suddenly felt this heavy pressure and responsibility. When I am acting, I can focus on the character and what I have to do, so my mind is at ease. But at some point, I became afraid of the very thought that other people were putting their attention on me. I felt like I couldn't act like myself and starting thinking, 'I should be like this' or 'I should be like that.'"

She couldn't help but get slightly emotional as she spoke, shedding tears as she opened up about her thoughts. "But I thought that I could show my true self on a camping show. Because I could just be who I am. The other members said we should be comfortable around each other, but I still feel like I can't shed this burden. I want to be myself and enjoy my life, but I still feel like I am not at that point. I can't do that. I hate seeing myself like this... I started this job because I loved it."
As she shed tears, Song Seung Heon attempted to comfort her by handing her tissues. However, they ended up being wet tissues, causing Park So Dam and the other cast members to laugh. She thanked him for his actions, saying, "Thank you for wrapping things up so nicely."

Park Na Rae also took the time to comfort her, saying, "You are trying too hard to be the best. It is okay to not be good at something sometimes. If you do well, then you do well, that is all. Doing well is not something that we need to do here on this kind of show."

Park So Dam, you are doing well!