Staff Member Who Once Worked with Ji Soo Claims the Actor is Rude in Real Life

Ji Soo
River Where the Moon Rises
Na In Woo

Ji Soo is currently making a buzz online due to his involvement in a school bullying scandal, that he eventually admitted to committing.

Staff Member Accused Ji Soo of Being Rude on Set

One user recently posted in an online community site, claiming that he/she was once a staff member who previously worked with actor Ji Soo. The user revealed that Ji Soo is a rude person in real life and also misbehaving on the filming set. The accuser claimed that he once worked with the actor for three months and shared, "He is indeed a scumbag."

He also revealed that Ji Soo is disrespectful and that he doesn't greet anyone he sees on set. He/she also claimed that the actor smokes, spits, and throws away the cigarettes anywhere.

With regards to the way the actor treats his manager, the poster shared that Ji Soo treats his manager like his personal servant and even demands to bring him cigarettes, water. He doesn't seem to treat his co-workers right.

The accuser said that Ji Soo is not a decent human being and claimed that a person like him should not be tolerated as a public figure. The image that he shows in front of the camera is 100% fake, according to the accuser.

Also Read: Ji Soo Accused as Perpetrator of School Violence + KeyEast Entertainment Responds

Ji Soo's Bullying Controversy

This past week the actor has been involved in school bullying accusations. It started when a user posted in an online community claiming that he/she is a former classmate of Ji Soo at Seorabeol Middle School. This post from Ji Soo's former classmate prompted other alleged victims to speak up and share their bullying experience with the actor.

Two more online users stepped forward and also posted their experience claiming that that the actor was a school bully and also sexually harassed them. The second online user shared that Kim Ji Soo was involved in physical attacks with them was the main perpetrator of countless cases of bullying and abuse in middle school. The third accuser shared that the Korean actor made sexually harassing remarks towards his girlfriend.

Ji Soo admitted to his past misconduct and posted a lengthy letter online, apologizing for what he did in the past. To make things clear, the actor only admitted to the school bullying controversy but not the sexual harassment allegations.

Ji Soo Departed from the KBS2 drama "River Where the Moon Rises"

Due to the scandal, KBS2 announced that the actor stepped down from the ongoing historical drama "River Where the Moon Rises." The actor will be replaced by Na In Woo to portray the character of On Dal in the drama.

The actor has also confirmed that he will enlist in his mandatory military service in October 2021.

ALSO READ: Ji Soo Reportedly to Enlist in the Military in October + Drops out of 'River Where The Moon Rises'

Kdramastars owns this article.

Written by Liza Parker

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