One Warm Word' Han Hae Jin Hopes It'll Affect "Healing Camp" Well

One Warm Word

Actress Han Hae Jin showed her appreciation for the team of SBS 'Healing Camp'.

A production presentation of the new SBS Monday/Tuesday drama "One Warm Word" (script Ha Myung Hee, director Choi Young Hoon) was held at the Grand Convention Center in Seoul Youngdeungpo-gu Dangsan-dong on November 29th.

Han Hae Jin who had been the female MC in "Healing Camp" said, "The ratings of 'One Warm Word' came out well and I hope it will have a positive effect on 'Healing Camp' that will be broadcast after the drama.

Han Hae Jin thanked the team of SBS "Healing Camp"

Han Hae Jin said, "The 'Healing Camp' team has been supporting me throughout and has texted me several times a week and emailed too. They even sent flowers today."

Han Hae Jin sent an encouraging message saying, "To me, "Healing Camp' team members are like saviors and I feel like there's so much to give back. Healing Fighting!"

Han Hae Jin had worked with Lee Kyung Kyu and Kim Jae Dong in "Healing Camp" and married soccer player Ki Sung Yong last July and said she would be dropping the show. Currently, Han Hae Jin's role is being fulfilled by Sung Yoo Ri.

Meanwhile, actors Han Hae Jin, Ji Jin Hee, Kim Ji Soo, Lee Sang Woo, Park Suh Joon, and Han Ge Roo in "One Warm Ward" is about two couples who are at risk as they tread the line as they try to keep a family together. The two couples show an emotional thriller as they deal with real problems of a couple and show the complexities of married life. This will be broadcast after "The Suspicious Housekeeper" on December 2nd for the first time at 10PM.

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