KBS Bans Yoo Ah In From Appearing on Their Network – Here’s Why

Yoo Ah In
Yoo Ah In Drugs
Yoo Ah In Update

Yoo Ah In continue to face the aftermath of the drug scandal after KBS temporarily bans the actor from their network.

The show business industry in South Korea is very sensitive when it comes to the social controversy that involves illegal activities- from bullying, cheating, gambling, or illegal substance.

As for the "Seoul Vibe" star, he has been under investigation since February after his name got dragged to alleged habitual use of propofol.

Due to this, not only did the controversy affect his image but also his career.

Yoo Ah In Update

The Korean top star continue to make headlines after he gets involved with drug allegations.

At the time, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency shared that Yoo Ah In will undergo investigation for suspicion of violation of the Narcotics Control Act.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Yoo Ah In Drug Scandal Update: Doctor Who Prescribed the Actor Propofol Receives Arrest Warrant

As the probe begins, the actor is barred from leaving the country. On the other hand, his agency, United Artists Agency (UAA) "Chicago Typewriter" star is "actively cooperating in all investigations."

Meanwhile, as part of the investigation, Yoo Ah In had urine and hair strand tests and found out that he was positive for four types of drugs: hemp, propofol, cocaine, and ketamine.

With this, the actor's home was raided by the police to find more evidence regarding the drug charges. Apart from Yoo Ah In's house, search and seizure also took effect at his parents' home while the doctors who administered the substance are also in question.

Due to the controversy, the award winning star faces backlash from the public and endure losses from his current and upcoming projects- from brands taking down his advertisements to stepping down from his role in "Hellbound 2."

READ MORE: Yoo Ah In's Neighbors Reveal Actor Left His Itaewon Home After Filming 'I Live Alone' in 2020
KDramastars owns this article
Written by Geca Wills

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