Despite the horror genre that "Revenant" offers, the brief moments of Kim Tae Ri with co-star Hong Kyung is enough to make viewers feel butterflies.
Unlike most romance tropes, the attraction between the two is subtle yet intense, creating a bubble of curiosity among fans. Is Kim Tae Ri dating anyone? Read more to find out.
Kim Tae Ri Lauded For 'Revenant' Performance
Although Kim Tae Ri is a renowned actress, her transformation in "Revenant" still surprised tons of fans.
The "Revenant" star also wants to meet someone who has a similar style of communication and love language as her in order to avoid conflicts and petty fights.
At present, Kim Tae Ri is seeing no one as she's more focused on her career so make sure to catch her on "Revenant" every weekend at 10:00 p.m. on SBS TV.