'Give Love Away' Cha Hwa Yeon Shocked At Kim Seung Soo's Scandal

Give Love Away
Cha Hwa Yeon

"Give Love Away"

"Give Love Away" Cha Wha Yeon comforted Yoo Ho Jung.

In MBC weekend drama "Give Love Away" Eun Ha Rim (played by Suh Ji Suk) and Song Mi Ju (played by Hong Soo Hyun) broadcast on December 15th, Hong Soon Ae (played by Cha Hwa Yeon) met Jung Yoo Jin (played by Yoo Ho Jung) and comforted her.

Earlier, Soon Ae who met Jung Hyun Soo (played by Park Geun Hyung) mentioned how he had had an affair before and because of that, her daughter Yoo Jin was tormented because of her husband Kang Sung Hoon (played by Kim Seung Soo)'s scandal.

Atthis, Soon Ae decided to be a daily helper and goes to Hyun Soo's house to meet Yoo Jin. Yoo Jin was upset thinking that Soon Ae was dating her father and said for him to leave the house.

However, Soon Ae didn't back down. She also confessed saying that she had divorced because of her husband's affair and comforted her. Yoo Jin slowly opened up to a heartfelt consolation and cried.

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