GIve Love Away' Lee Sang Yeop No Dating Shin Da Eun

Give Love Away
Lee Sang Yeop
Shin Da Eun

"Give Love Away" Lee Sang Yeop confessed his feelings for Shin Da Eun.

On the episode of MBC weekend drama "Give Love Away" broadcast on December 22nd, Jung Jae Min (played by Lee Sang Yeop) went to the real brother of Eun Ha Kyung (played by Shin Da Eun), Eun Ha Rim (played by Suh Ji Suk).

On this day, Ha Rim welcomed Jae Min who came into the restaurant and said, "How do you think of our Ha Kyung" and looked into Jae Min's heart.

Jae Min asked, "Why are you curious?" Ha Rim said, "Are you by any chance pretending to not know Ha Kyung's heart because of me and Mi Joo (played by Hong Soo Hyun).

At this, Jae Min thought about Ha Rim's suggestion for a double date and thought it was uncomfortable thinking of his ex-girlfriend Mi Joo.

In addition, regarding Ha Kyung, he said she was a simple work employer and there were no personal feelings. At Jae Min's definite answer, Ha Rim showed a complicated feelings and made a complicated expression.

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