Lee Hyori's Childhood Struggles Unveiled in Tearful TV Moment: 'It Was Hard to Afford A Meal'

Lee Hyori

In a heart-wrenching episode aired on June 9th, JTBC's "Come Travel with Me, Mom?" delved into the poignant journey of Lee Hyori and her mother, unearthing the raw emotions and struggles of their past.

The program, which showcases the maiden voyage of a top-star daughter and her mother in a road movie format, has been chronicling the expedition of Lee Hyori and her mother since its debut in May.

However, it was the latest episode that unveiled a deeply personal aspect of Lee Hyori's life - her childhood hardships.

In a poignant moment, Lee Hyori was overcome with emotion as she revisited the taste of a squid soup her mother used to concoct during their days of poverty.

Lee Hyori
Lee Hyori
(Photo : nate)

"We had a large family, so I had to stretch the food to feed everyone."

Recalling the meager portions of squid in her bowl, Lee Hyori tearfully retreated to her room to compose herself.

"Back then, my bowl hardly had any squid, maybe just one or two pieces? We lived in such poverty that I always felt guilty for not being able to provide enough for my children." 


Lee Hyori
Lee Hyori
(Photo : nate)

Her mother, candidly addressing the family's financial struggles, revealed how she had to stretch meager resources to feed a family of six.

READ MORE: Kim Hee Sun & Lee Hyori's Secret Catfight Exposed - Hair-Pulling & Scratching Galore

Lee Hyori's mother reminisced about collecting discarded coal briquettes to save on fuel costs, shedding light on the lengths they went to make ends meet.

Lee Hyori
Lee Hyori
(Photo : nate)

"We used to collect discarded coal briquettes from others just to save money on fuel.

This emotional journey not only highlighted the resilience of the mother-daughter duo but also exposed the depth of their past tribulations.

Previous episodes of the program had touched upon Lee Hyori's childhood yearnings, including her desire for toys and school supplies, which were unattainable luxuries in their impoverished circumstances.

"When I was young, little girls loved dolls, but it was hard for our family to even afford a meal." -Hyori

Her mother, expressing regret over her inability to provide such comforts, moved many viewers by gifting her grown daughter a doll, symbolizing a long-overdue fulfillment of childhood desires.

"I feel a lot of sorrow. I couldn't buy toys or even a single doll for you

"Come Travel with Me, Mom?" has become a platform for Lee Hyori to openly share her painful past alongside her mother, shedding light on struggles that were previously unknown to many. 

ALSO READ: Singer and Actress Lee Hyori Confesses That She Dated Poor Guys in The Past

KDramaStars owns this article
Written by Joan Cabiga

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