Actress Reveals Near-Death Experience on Set and How Co-Star's Quick Thinking Saved Her

kim kyungran
Scarry! This emotional incident highlights the importance of looking out for one another, especially in challenging times. (Photo : Instagram)

Actress Seonwoo Yongyeo was rescued from a stroke while filming, all thanks to the actions of her colleague, Kim Kyungran. The incident took place during the shooting of a health program in 2016, as reported by Daum

Seonwoo, an actress with a career dating back to 1965 in the broadcasting sector, had been feeling unwell but continued on. Kim noticed Seonwoo's responses and speech difficulties during a day of filming. Worried about her well-being, Kim suggested pausing the recording and seeking help from professionals on set. 


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The doctors instructed Seonwoo to raise her arms and soon realized she was displaying signs of a stroke. They advised attention, which led to Seonwoo receiving prompt treatment and eventually recovering from cerebral infarction

.Gratefully acknowledging Kim's life-saving actions in a statement, Seonwoo expressed her appreciation; "I'll never forget that moment. Thank you for looking after me."

Fans and netizens have been moved by this incident, praising Kim's thinking and emphasizing the importance of caring for each other as we age.

Seonwoo has encountered some difficult times lately, such as losing her husband to dementia and Parkinsons' disease in 2014.

She has prioritized her health since saying, "I have to look after myself so as not to burden my kids." While she moves forward in showbiz Seonwoo appreciates the encouragement she receives from her workers and fans.

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Rovelyn Barba

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