Sunwoo Eun Sook, whose husband, broadcaster Yoo Young Jae, is being accused of forced molestation, also testified at the December 17 court hearing.

According to Xports News, the actress stated during the session that she fainted after listening to a recording that her older sister, who is accusing Yoo of sexual assault, made detailing one of Yoo's possible assaults.
Yoo is on trial without detention at the Seongnam Branch of the Suwon District Court on charges under the Special Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes.
Sunwoo Eun Sook acted as a witness for her sister, identified only as A, who accuses Yoo of sexually assaulting her repeatedly.
Sunwoo Eun Sook said in her testimony that she listened to the recording while considering dropping her divorce application. "I was so surprised that I fainted," she said.
In the recording, Yoo said, "Eun Sook shouldn't know," and that made Sunwoo doubt the authenticity of the act. She added that the statement alone indicated it wasn't justified.
She added that her sister has been treated for panic disorder since the supposed assaults and that the stress has caused her to lose 6 kg. She said she was considering connecting her sister with a lawyer to file a civil case.
The two had married in 2022 and split up in April 2024. A's legal representatives claimed that they filed the complaint on behalf of A, listing five occasions of alleged forced molestation carried out by Yoo against A in 2020.
Reports about the assaults during a previous trial on December 10 described examples of physical and sexual violence.
A recounted an incident as "the most horrible day of sexual harassment," where Yoo allegedly took off his top and came out of the room wearing only underwear, lifted his genitals and testicles with his hands, and said, "'Isn't this okay for someone 60 years old?'" she revealed. She added that he then hugged her from behind.
Earlier, at Yoo Young-jae's second trial on the 10th, Sunwoo Eun-sook's older sister A testified that she was sexually assaulted by Yoo Young-jae in March and April 2023, saying, "He twisted my nipples," and "Yoo Young-jae hugged me from behind and touched my buttocks with his genitals."
A then surprised many by mentioning the sexual assault, saying, "I was sleeping face down with my pillow hugged, and he climbed on my back. He kicked me and scolded me, saying, 'I'm your executioner, what are you doing?' So I left without saying a word."
A explained why she did not speak out earlier, saying, "I thought Sunwoo Eun-sook would be shocked."
The trial is ongoing as the court hears the accusations against Yoo Young-jae.
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