Do Hee Earmuff Selfie, More Cute!

Do Hee
Reply 1994

Do Hee Earmuff Sellfite, "Cute Looks" More and More Charismatic

Do Hee's Earmuff Selfie

Do Hee's Earmuff Selfie is a topic of interest.

On December 26th, Do Hee posted on her Twitter, "Did everyone enjoy their Christmas? I filmed with the "Reply 1994" family and spent my Christmas. The weather is quite cold. Please be careful not to catch a cold and be prepared for a wonderful new years! Be prepared to watch "Reply 1994" real time too" and posted a picture.

In the released picture, Do Hee is wearing white earmuffs and making a cute face.

Especially compared to the drama she is more feminine and cute, capturing people's attention.

At Do Hee's earmuff selfie, netizens said, "Do Hee's earmuff selfie so cute." "Do Hee's earmuff selfie, so charismatic!" "Do Hee's earmuff selfie the more I look the prettier it is" "Do Hee earmuff selfie, so charismatic!" and responded.

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