Park Yoochun's Shoulder Injury Limits His Movements On "Three Days"

Park Yoochun
Three Days

When JYJ's Park Yoochun hurt his shoulder last month, he decided to continue filming rather than delay the schedule of his new drama "Three Days." But at a recent press conference he said that the injury is making his role more difficult.

The actor tore a ligament and the best remedy is usually rest. It's hard to fit recovery time into most kdrama shooting schedules.

According to his agency C-JES Entertainment, the singer had complained about pain for a week before going to the hospital.

"We took an MRI and discovered that he hurt his shoulder ligaments," said a CJES representative. "The hospital told us that it would take about three months of recovery to heal."

The actor decided that he would not drop out of "Three Days" and the production company worked to adjust his filming schedule.

"We will do whatever is necessary for his shoulder," said a representative of the production company. "The management is making plans to prevent any future complications."

To recover and reduce complications, the actor does have to limit his movements. And that can be tough when filming an action scene.

"There are days when I get frustrated and even super annoyed while filming action scenes due to the shoulder injury I sustained while previously filming," said Park Yoochun at a press conference for his drama.

And it does not just affect action scenes. Even his normal movements are limited.

"The injury does limit the way I move and act," he said. "Since there's still pain, I try my best not to move my right shoulder and I even have a doctor accompany me during filming. I also receive a lot of help from the staff."

Still, filming the drama has also been a positive experience.

In a recent interview with Singles magazine, he talked about the good parts.

"It's going really well," said Park Yoochun. "It suits me and I'm having fun."

In the past he has behaved more formally toward fellow cast and crewmembers. Whether it was the cold weather they filmed in or his injury, on this set he found he was more social.

"Because of those things I think I have changed a little," he said. "Now I am really comfortable with the cast and I can joke around in a friendly way without hesitation."

The drama about the disappearance of Korea's president and the bodyguard that tries to find him also stars Son Hyun Joo, Park Ha Sun, Yoon Jae Moon, Jang Hyun Sung, Choi Won Young and So E Hyun. Park Yoochun previously appeared in "Rooftop Prince," "Miss Ripley," "Sungkyunkwan Scandal," and "Missing You."

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