"Inspiring Generation" Takes The Lead

Kim Hyun Joong
Park Yoochun
So E Hyun
Lee Min Jung
Joo Sang Wook
Three Days
Inspiring Generation
Cunning Single Lady

It has been a close contest between Kim Hyun Joong's "Inspiring Generation" and Park Yoochun's political thriller "Three Days." And this week, the 17th episode of "Inspiring Generation" took the lead. The dramas have alternated first place during the last few weeks with percentages that differ by less than a point.

"Inspiring Generation" had a rating of 11.6 percent, which was a 0.5 percent drop from the episode before. And yet it still managed to head off "Three Days" because that drama also saw its ratings fall. "Three Days" fell 1.6 percent to 11.3 percent.

Both shows have a lot going for them, tense action scenes and an idol lead with a devoted following. On "Inspiring Generation," the lines on both sides of the conflict were drawn in the sand and cut off the relationship between Gaya and Shin Jung tae. She asked him to be on her side but he could not join her.

Instead he said that he hoped to meet her in the next life and in a better situation. After he apologized, she kissed him and said that it was the end of their relationship. Now she would be able to draw her knife on him.

In "Three Days," the secret behind the president's disappearance is slowly being unraveled. Park Yoochun's character Han Tae Kyung is not sure which member of his former team he can trust. He has become a pawn in the conspiracy but he can't yet figure out who all the other players are. Shin Gyu Jin also gets in too deep when he tries to solve the scandal. He asks the president about a meeting he had. A few of the people the president met with that day have since died, including Han Tae Kyung's father and Chairman Kwon.

In the seventh episode, Park Yoochun got to show off his taekwondo skills in a flashback scene. He was one of several Secret Service agents demonstrating their fighting skills.

"Cunning Single Lady" held third place and held on to its percentage points, coming in at 8.7 percent of the ratings. Both Lee Min June and Joo Sang Wook are excellent in their roles as bitter exes. This comedy also has an idol actor in it, namely Infinite's L, but he plays a supporting role.

Although it has a loyal following, the comedy could not compete with the big budgets behind "Inspiring Generation" and "Three Days." It's also not the only current comedy about exes rethinking their split.

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