Actress Ko Ah Ra of the drama 'Reply 1994' filmed a fashion photo shoot recently and showed off her legs. On March 27, 2014, Ko Ah Ra tweeted on her official Twitter account, "Filming a photo shoot," and posted two pictures of herself from the photo shoot. In the pictures, Ko Ah Ra wears a casual outfit with high heels, and is sitting in a chair, crossing her legs. In related news, actress Ko Ah Ra is to star in the new SBS Wednesday Thursday drama called "You Are All Captured" with singer and actor Lee Seung Ki. The new SBS Wednesday Thursday drama called "You Are All Captured" is a story of the entry level police officers in their twenties. It tells a story of the four main characters who were not interested in a career as a detective in the beginning. The drama is to premiere in the end of April after the current SBS drama "Three Days" ends.
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