K-Drama Actors Are More Open About Plastic Surgery

Nam Goong Min
Hong Jin Young
Lee Da Hae
Lee Si Young
We Got Married

K-drama actors are more open about enhancing their looks than they ever were in the past. On a recent broadcast of "Radio Star," Nam Goong Min, who currently stars in "Wild Chives and Soybean Soup" and "We Got Married" admitted to having a Botox injection.

And while Botox treatments to smooth out wrinkles are not exactly plastic surgery, it did lead to a discussion of the surgery that singer Hong Jin Young, his "We Got Married" virtual wife had. Nam Goong Min said he had a Botox injection when he had to appear on a television show.

"It wasn't plastic surgery but it did change my looks a bit," he said.

She suggested he get them on a regular basis.

Hong Jin Young has openly admitted to having work done, including getting a nose job and having double eyelid surgery.

More actors are finding that it is best to admit to work than have it be the subject of speculation. Lee Da Hae who appears in the upcoming drama "Hotel King," has confessed to having work done. The rumors circulated for two years before she confessed to her surgery on a celebrity talk show. The star of "Iris 2" said she had some work done on her body because she was once obese. And her face has also seen the benefit of some plastic surgery.

"I did some remodeling on my face," said Lee Da Hae.

Lee Si Young, who was recently cast in the upcoming drama "Golden Cross," had work done more than a decade ago but she only admitted to it five years ago. She had work done to her face but improvements to her body were done with dance and exercise

"I have become used to this face," she said. "After the surgery at age 23, I never had more work done."

Kim Yoon Hye, who appeared in "Flower Boys Next Door" and had a cameo in "Who Are You?" had surgery because people told her that she was less pretty when she grew older.

"People said my face changed a lot," said Kim Yoon Hye, also known as Woori. Changing the line of her jaw helped her feel more confident.

Actors and actresses may be more confident about revealing such procedures because of the increasingly positive attitude toward plastic surgery in Korea. In general cosmetic surgery is seen as a smart investment because it can help you find a job or meet a mate. So, it makes sense that those whose careers rely on their looks would own up to making this kind of investment.

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