Workaholics Season 4 Episode 13 Recap: “Friendship Anniversary,” Clean Up Your Food Fights Or Suffer A Rat Massacre

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The Workaholics have been living together for seven years, which means they are common law married.Adam, Blake, and Anders celebrate their official 7th year anniversary as roommates with some fights, some Kentucky Fried Chicken and some weird fish in a soup. Or at least they attempt to, because the roommates are soon in a huge food fight after Adam pops the champagne too early, Anders tries to force a Norwegian meal on them, and Blake ruins his roommate's beloved belongings by trying to turn them into "reclaimed art."

One by one they leave their fortress, each heading in different directions. Blake lands on the doorstep of Jillian's, Anders in the back seat of his Volvo, and Adam is drunk at the bar. Poor Blake reclaims Jillian's dress as an arts and crafts project and serves her sour cream, which makes Jillian into a crazy monster. She flips out and makes Blake sleep in the bathtub with a cold shower running on him. Anders, meanwhile, after berating some hoodrats for drinking in the park, gets showered on by blue doodie water. He depressingly subjects to sleeping in it. Meanwhile, Adam gets a little too drunk at the bar, and ends up sleeping in the bed with a gay man without even realizing it. It's safe to say that the boys miss each other but don't want to admit it. Back at work, the boys decide to split the security deposit amongst the three of them, then be done with one another for good. There is only one major problem. Their rental home is now infested with rats due to their recent food fight, which means they won't be getting their security deposit back. The episode then turns into the most disgusting rat massacre ever seen on television, a scene that one would hope to never have to see. After they have released their anger through beating the rats to a pulp, everything returns to normal. Normal, meaning, they get a terrible idea of making a pizza suit to get a nest of rats out of the house and then shoot the rats into space.

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