Why We Ship Park Yoochun and Park Ha Sun

Park Yoochun
Park Ha Sun
Three Days

Park Yoochun and Park Ha Sun co-star in the political action thriller "Three Days." She plays a policewoman and he plays a presidential bodyguard. They both become involved in uncovering the truth about an incident that cost innocent civilian lives and together they help to prevent another tragedy.

Because it's hard to know who is pulling the strings in this plot, it's hard for their characters to know whom to trust. But they come to trust each other and grow close.

We think these actors make a great team and would make a cute real-life couple.

Here are three reasons why.

1. We suspect that she has crushed on him for a while. Or at the very least she has respected his work as an actor. She spoke of wanting to act with him ever since she admired his work as the time-traveling royal in "Rooftop Prince."

When she was first cast in "Three Days,' she found it hard to contain her enthusiasm.

"The role in my new drama is vastly different from the kind of roles that I have taken on in the past," said Park Ha Sun, who was last seen in the thriller "Two Weeks" with Lee Jun Ki. "So I'm really excited and intend to work really hard to challenge myself. I heard that Park Yoochun agreed to appear in the drama after reading a brief synopsis. I can understand now why he felt that way."

She was drawn to the strong storyline, she said, but also the opportunity to work with Park Yoochun.

"I don't want to miss out on this drama."

2. They are close to each other's ideal type. Last November Park Ha Sun described her ideal type as "A manly guy, who is caring and someone who doesn't smoke. I like someone that only looks at me and has pretty eyes."

Okay, Park Yoochun has been caught smoking but otherwise he fits the bill.

Two years ago he described the kind of woman he wanted to date.

"I want someone with a kind face, a person that gives a feeling of sunshine. "I'm looking for someone who loves the people around us, a family type, who can get along well with the relatives."

Park Ha Sun certainly has a kind face and sunny personality.

In behind-the-scenes footage of "Three Days" filming, the actors took a break from filming their scenes together. Reporters present at the scene asked her about her ideal type.

"She said that her ideal type was someone that would be at her side for a long time.

"I think Han Tae Kyung (his character) from "Three Days" is someone like that."

3. They look good together. The Park-Park couple is shy and awkward and adorable around each other in behind-the-scenes footage. Their looks complement each other.

Will they date in real life? Only time will tell. But if you do, we approve.

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