Lee Jong Suk Talks About Looks And Dating

Lee Jong Suk
Park Hae Jin
Kim Woo Bin
Doctor Stranger

If you saw the very slender Lee Jong Suk in "I Hear Your Voice" or "School 2013" you might not think that the actor needed to lose weight. But he did just that for his role in "Doctor Stranger."

The actor recently told the Korea Herald that he dieted before his role as the North Korean defector and genius doctor Park Hoon.

"I know that I am pretty skinny but I still tried to lose extra weight for the part so that my face got all bony," he said.

He felt the emaciated look suited someone who had grown up in North Korea but in some of his recent shirtless shots, you can see his ribs. He looks painfully thin and it only makes him look more delicate.

He's not a vain actor. When he was filming "The Face Reader" and people commented on his good looks, he said it was the hair.

"I thought to myself that I just looked good because of the hair," he said.

He thinks that his "Doctor Stranger" co-star Park Hae Jin is quite handsome, much more attractive than he is.

"I was awed by his good looks and taste in fashion," said Lee Jong Suk. "Watching the recordings for each scene made me realize that Park Hae Jin was way too good looking. It made me feel inferior."

Lee Jong Suk is suprisingly modest for someone who started his career as a model. He switched to acting in 2010 with parts in the dramas "Prosecutor Princess" and "Secret Garden" and then moved on to leading roles.

His delicate flower boy good looks and cute playful behavior have won him many fans. But the 26-year-old actor admits that such behavior will not be appropriate when he reaches 30. At the drama's press conference he said he hoped his new role would present a more masculine image.

Although he acted the part of a player in th recent film "Hot Young Bloods," he is not dating in real life. He does have an ideal type. He likes women he sees as being better than he is although he does not define what areas she might excel in.

"I am attracted to women I can learn from," he recently told Newsen. "I want a woman I will lose to and who moves my heart."

He also thinks about marrying some day. According to his "School 2013" co-star Kim Woo Bin, marriage is one of Lee Jong Suk's favorite topics to talk about, even though he does not yet have a girlfriend.

That can always change.

Lee Jong Suk's new drama starts May 5.

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