Real Housewives Of New York City Ramona Singer Is A Nut Job! [VIDEO] Throws Pinot On Kristen Taekman After Ruining Sonja Morgan Relationship With Younger Man--'Rameana' Hypocrite On RHONY


Real Housewives Of New York City Ramona Singer is a total nutjob! Did Ramona Singer actually think she could get away with throwing a glass of Pinot at Kristen Taekman? And after Ramona threw her drink, Ramona even called Kristen a b*tch for splashing water back at her! Singer started the water-fight, yet Ramona gets pissed when Taekman actually fights back. Ramona, aka Rameana, has been annoying everyone and behaving exactly the same way that she encourages others not to. Telling Kristen to mind her own business while Ramona clearly oversteps her boundaries with Sonja Morgan? And sticking up for Aviva after Drescher called her 'white trash.' Ramona missed Heather's party because Aviva wasn't invited. How quickly Singer forgets caling Aviva psycho! Where is the Real Housewives of New York City Ramona Singer going with all this hypocritical behavior?

Ramona Singer shows on The Real Housewives Of New York that she has no manners, no tact, and no class. Singer behaves like a child but when she's called on her behavior she flips the conversation back around onto someone or something else to get the heat off of her. Singer meddles into Sonja's business when Sonja's young men are one of the only things in life that make Sonja happy these days. Ramona claims to love her Housewives BFF, but gossips about her financial problems to anybody at any chance, puts Sonja's ventures down, and now has sabotaged her love life. The Singer stinger needs to buzz away from our New York Housewives!

Other than Ramona behaving like a total nutjob, the Real Housewives of New York City failed to deliver. Carole is upgrading her apartment by taking out her kitchen?! When Carole said in her confessional that New York City women don't use their kitchens, I almost fell off my chair. I live in New York City and I use my kitchen every single day. Though I'm not a rich Real Housewives star of New York, I would cook my own food even if I hung with Sonja Morgan on the Upper East Side. Well, that was boring, so back to Ramona Singer and her new nemesis Kristen Taekman and their escalating feud that will possibly make Real Housewives of New York City palatable.

I'm starting to have a newfound respect for Taekman. She calls out Ramona and doesn't let her get away with acting like a brat. Her one-liners are also quite entertaining.

"Sonja is the only person I know that could play off bankruptcy fabulously," said Kristen Taekman, referencing to Sonja's deep financial troubles while Morgan has no problem fitting the bill at the sassy salon for 7 women.

Taekman also was the voice of reason when she could not believe that the Housewives were not using the beautiful facilities at the spa. They were just hanging and drinking while any other woman would absolutely die to be in the upscale spa with no financial limitations.

Man, I get a 30-minute massage and take in ever second like it's my last day on earth! Glad to know Taekman isn't as spoiled and unappreciative as the other Housewives.

Taekman throws in another quip in her confessional after Ramona threw her Pinot on Kristen saying, "I teach my kids not to hit, not to throw. Did Ramona miss that memo 65 years ago?"

"She keeps pushing me. I am not taking her bait. I think it's irritating her even more that I am not freaking out back at her. I have a calm and rational way of dealing with her and I am getting the feeling that that's new to her. Not cool to throw anything at anyone," Kristen writes in her after-show blog.

Kristen's tagline 'I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...but I'm pretty' gives the newbie Housewife no justice. Her 'tool' is sharper than Ramona, Sonja, and Aviva's dull instruments put together.

Whose side are you on? Kristen or Ramona's?

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