'We Got Married' Heechul and Puff Guo Are Adorable Together

We Got Married
We Got Married- Global Edition

We Got Married: Global Edition Season two is already five episodes in. Both the Key and Yagi Arisa couple and the Heechul and Puff Guo couple are adorable. However, Heechul and Puff Guo have been quite outspoken through social media about their cuteness! Both Heechul and Puff Guo have posted pictures and videos with each other on their Instagram profiles. Heechul, the Super Junior member who is widely known for his presence on Instagram, has been making posts featuring Puff for more than two months now. Puff, who is a member of Taiwanese girl group "Dream Girls" and actor in popular dramas such as "Just You," has also been very active on Instagram about the couple.

The couple has become increasingly adorable as each episode of We Got Married continues. From their first meeting, although they could not understand each other, they have had wonderful chemistry and overall cuteness. They communicate through a mixture of Korean, Chinese, English, and hand gestures. They have even had friends such as Super Junior-M's Zhoumi and Miss A's Jia come over to help understand each other by translating for them.

Episode 4 featured Heechul and Puff's wedding photoshoot where the couple became even closer. The photoshoot included scenes in wedding attire, and even themes such as a vampire and his beautiful victim. The "HeePuff" couple also shared their first kiss during this episode providing viewers with an inside look at their amazing chemistry.

On the most recent episode, Heechul and Puff attempted to make their own kimchi. Neither of them had ever made it before, and it was a bit hard to communicate about how to make it between the two of them. Luckily Jia came to help them, also providing Puff with some much needed girl talk. Stay tuned for next week's episode where both couples are sure to continue being cute with each other!

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