The new KBS Monday Tuesday drama "Big Man" actress Jung So Min changed her hair once again. In the KBS Monday Tuesday drama "Big Man," actress Jung So Min plays Kang Jin Ah, the oldest daughter of the Hyun Sung Group. On the episode of the drama which aired this Tuesday, changed her hair once again from red to blonde. On that day's episode, Jung So Min announced to her parents that she is going to run away from home. She then ran to the hair salon and changed her hair color to the "worst color of all." In related news, the new KBS Monday Tuesday drama "Big Man" tells a story of the orphan named Kim Ji Hyuk, played by actor Kang Ji Hwan. Kim Ji Hyuk is a hardworking low class man wrongfully charged with murdering someone. The story starts when Kim Ji Hyuk, while living the hard days of his life, one morning opens his eyes from the bed, and he has become a heir of the millionaire conglomerate family that runs Hyun Song group. In essence, the new KBS Monday Tuesday drama "Big Man" tells a story of a man who struggles but successfully becomes the real righteous leader.
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