‘Family Guy’ Character Cleveland Brown Returns to Quahog! Peter Griffin And The Rest of The Gang Make Fun Of Axed ‘The Cleveland Show”

Family Guy

"Family Guy" character Cleveland Brown returns to Quahog and the prodigal son will take it like a man as Peter Griffin and the rest of the gang make fun of the axed "Cleveland Show" in his face.

On Sunday's episode of "Family Guy" on Fox called "He's Bla-ack," Cleveland Brown moves back home on Spooner Street along with the rest of his family in "The Cleveland Show" like Donna, Roberta, Cleveland Jr. and Rallo.

"The Cleveland Show" was cancelled due to poor ratings as the fans of "Family Guy" didn't really translate well with the spinoff but Examiner.com called the decision to move back the Brown family to Quahog as "pretty creative."

However, "Family Guy" has not laid down the red carpet to welcome Cleveland Brown and his family. Petter Griffin's wife, Lois, and Cleveland's wife, Donna, get into a fight and they prohibit their husbands from hanging out together. Both friends then find a way to get their wives into patching their differences and get things back together again.

There's also a scene in the hit Fox series where "Family Guy" character Cleveland Brown takes a lot of ribbing from Peter Griffin, Joe and Quagmire.

"This episode really does not hold back in making fun of the deceased spinoff. In a rare (for this show) cold open, Peter, Joe, and Quagmire just let loose on Cleveland and The Cleveland Show," Eric Thurm of A.V. Club wrote.

Showrunner Steve Callaghan did warn in an interview with Entertainment Weekly last fall that "Family Guy" character Cleveland Brown will take a lot of ribbing for the cancellation of the spinoff.

"There's a scene where the guys pretty mercilessly take shots at Cleveland for striking out on his own and for failing miserably, with not very veiled fourth-wall references to Cleveland's show," he said.

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