Lee Min Ho Sends Condolences To Deceased Fan


Actor Lee Min Ho sent his condolences for deceased fan. On May 23, 2014, Lee Min Ho tweeted on his official Twitter account his condolences for deceased fan, whom he has kept in touch with. Lee Min Ho posted on Twitter, “I will remember you. I am sorry that I wasn’t able to be your hope until the end. Like the love you gave me for the past five years, I will become an actor who will give dream, hope, and love for more people. I hope you are always happy there.” Actor Lee Min Ho learned the news that her fan, who has been sick for a while, passed away while filming the movie “Kang Nam Blues.” He then shared the sad news and sent his condolences on Twitter. Lee Min Ho’s agency said, “Lee Min Ho learned the news while filming the movie, and he posted the message to relieve himself of the pain. She’s the one who always visited Lee Min Ho when he had various events and fan meetings. She and Lee Min Ho said hi whenever they met, and Lee Min Ho also knew that she has been sick. Lee Min Ho felt really sorry to hear the sad news.” The picture of Lee Min Ho posted on Twitter with the message was taken by the fan, according to Lee Min Ho’s agency. In related news, actor Lee Min Ho is filming the movie “Kang Nam Blues.”

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